Disposal of waste material - Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


  1. Waste &their Classification.
  2. Sources of waste.
  3. Methods of Wastew Disposal.
  4. PPE & their types.


Wastes are unwanted or unusable materials. Waste is any substance which is discarded after primary use, or it is worthless, defective and of no use.

 Classification of waste:

1.      Rural waste:Rural waste is the waste from agricultural and dairy forms. These can be reused by burning agricultural waste and composing.

2.      Urban waste: It is the waste from household articles or from industries within municipal limit.

                                                        i.            Solid waste:Solid waste is the material is hard (from industries) such as newspapers, cans, bottles, broken glass, plastic containers, polythene bags etc.

                                                      ii.            Liquid waste:It is the water based waste which is produced by the main activation sources of waste.

 Sources of waste:

1.      Industrial waste (liquid waste e.g. chemical and solid metal waste e.g. Fly ash.)

2.      Domestic waste (rubbish, garbage, dust, sewage waste etc.)

3.      Agricultural waste (crops and cattle etc.)

4.      Hospital waste (waste off contains microorganisms)

5.      Workshop waste (Oil waste,Cotton waste, Metal chips, Electrical waste

 Methods of disposal of waste:

Disposal process : This is the final step of the waste management. From this disposal point or site the materials are selected steps as

1.      Recycling: Recycling is one of the most well known methods of managing waste. If you carry out recycling, you will save a lot of energy, resources and thereby reduce pollution.

2.      Composing: This is a natural process that is completely free of any hazardous by-products. This process involves breaking down the material into organic compounds that can be used as manure.

3.      Landfill : In this process, the waste cannot be reused or recycled separated out and spread as a thin layer in some low lying areas across the city.

4.      Incineration: It is the process of controlled combustion of garbage to reduce it to incombustible matter, ash, waste gas and heat. This reduced 90% volume of waste, some time the heat generated used to produce electric power.

5.      Waste compaction: The waste materials such as cans and plastic bottles compact into blocks and send for recycling.

6.      Reuse: The amount of waste disposal can be reduced by carefully considering the exact throwing away. Before discarding the item, think of the possibility to wash and reuse them.

7.      Animal Feed: Vegetable peel and food scraps can be retained to feed small animals such as goat, rabbit etc. Large meat bones will be greatly reused by feeding dog.

8.      FireWood:  A small amount of waste disposal can be reused when it comes to refurnishing or replacing furniture. before discarding the furniture, cut it into a more meaningful process and use it as fire wood.

1.1.09 Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

The Devices, equipment or clothing used or worn by the employees, as a last resort, to protect against hazards in the workplace.

 Categories of PPEs:

Depending upon the nature of hazard, the PPE is divided into two categories:

1.      Non-respiratory: Those used for protection against injury from outside the body, i.e. for protecting the head, eye, face, hand, arm, foot, leg and other body parts.

2.      Respiratory: Those used for protection from harm due to inhalation of contaminated air.

 Personal protective equipment for hazards:

Types of protection


PPE to be used

Head Protection

1. Falling objects

2. Striking against objects

3. Spatter


Foot protection

1. Hot spatter

2. Falling objects

3. Working wet area

Safety Shoes


1. Dust particles

2. Fumes/ gases/ vapours

Nose Mask

Hand protection

1. Heat burn due to direct contact

2. Blows sparks moderate heat

3. Electric shock

Hand Gloves

Eye protection

 1. Flying dust particles

2. UV rays, IR rays heat and High amount of visible radiation


Face Shield

Head Shield

Hand Shield

Face Protection

1. Spark generated during Welding, grinding

2. Welding spatter striking

3. Face protection from UV rays

Hand screen

Face Shield

Head Shield with or without Ear Muff

Helmets with screen for welders

Ear protection

1. High noise level

Head shield with Ear muff

Ear plug

Body protection

1. Hot particles

Body Guard or apron

 Types Of helmet according to color and uses:

1.      White: for manager, engineer, foreman, supervisor, process operator

2.      Red: for safety officer, fire fighting team

3.      Green: for first aid team, safety inspector, new worker

4.      Blue: for general labors

5.      Yellow: for visitors

6.      Orange: for maintenance members, technician, laboratory analyst

 Types of hand gloves:

1.      Leather gloves: used in high temperature condition like steel plant or welding

2.      Latex or rubber gloves: used when working with live electrical conductor

Types of Apron:

1.      Leather apron:used in high temperature conditions like steel plants.

2.      Blue colour apron: used in mechanical workshops.

3.      White colour apron: used in chemical laboratories.


Module-1, Part-1: Introductionto ITI Electrician Trade

Module-1, Part-2: Organizationof ITI’s-safety Rules-Safety Sign-Hazards

Module-1, Part-3: Fire-Types-Extinguisher

Module-1, Part-4: RescueOperation-First aid Treatment-Artificial Respiration

Module-1, Part-5: Guidelines for cleanness & maintenance-Standardization-5’S

Module-1, Part-6: Disposalof waste Material- PPE


Safety, safety Sign, Fire & fire extinguisher, First aid, PPE, standardization, 5’S, Disposal of waste material etc.

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