Organization of ITI’s - Safety rules - Safety signs - Hazards


  1. Organization of ITI.
  2. Safety,Safety Rules & its necessity.
  3. Safety Singn &their types.
  4. Occupation Helth Hazard or hazards & their types.


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Safety rules - Safety signs – Hazards


Safety means freedom or protection from harm, danger, hazard, risk, accident, injury or damage.

Safety Rule & its necessity:

Safety rules & regulation intended to lower the occurrence or risk of injury, loss and danger to persons, property or the environment. Here an electrician should remember the famous proverb, “Electricity is a good servant but a bad master”.

Types of safety rule:

There are three types

1.      General Safety/Workshop safety (It represents the safety of user inside a workshop, industry or factory.

                                                              i.      Keep the floor and gangways clean and clear.

                                                            ii.      Move with care in the workshop, do not run.

                                                          iii.      Don't leave the machine which is in motion.

                                                          iv.      Don't touch or handle any equipment machine unless authorized to do so.

                                                            v.      Don't walk under suspended loads.

                                                          vi.      Don't cut practical jokes while on work.

                                                        vii.      Use the correct tools for the job.

                                                      viii.      Keep the tools at their proper place.

2.      Personal safety/Tool safety (It represents the safety of user or electrician)

                                                              i.      Wear a one piece overall or boiler suit

                                                            ii.      Keep the overall buttons fastened

                                                          iii.      Don't use ties and scarves

                                                          iv.      Roll up the staves tightly above the

                                                            v.      Wear safety shoes or boots or chain

                                                          vi.      Cut the hair short

                                                        vii.      Don't wear a ring, watch or chain Never lean on the machine

                                                      viii.      Don't clean hands in the coolant fluid.

3.      Machine safety (It represents the safety of machine with regarding the user.)

                                                              i.      Switch off the machine, immediately if something goes wrong

                                                            ii.      Keep the machine clean

                                                          iii.      Replace any worn out or damaged accessories, holding devices, nuts, bolts etc as soon as possible

                                                          iv.      Do not attempt operating the machine until you know how to operate it properly

                                                            v.      Do not adjust tool or the work piece unless the power is off

                                                          vi.      Stop the machine before changing the speed

                                                        vii.      Disengage the automatic feeds before switching off

                                                      viii.      Check the oil level before starting the machine.

Safety sign:

Safety signs are used to warn of hazards, indicate mandatory actions or required use of Personal protective equipment, prohibit actions or objects, identify the location of firefighting or safety equipment, or marking of exit routes etc.

Types of safety sign:

There are two types of safety sign

1.      Road safety sign

  1. Mandatory signs (mandatory sign shows what must be done)
  2. Cautionary signs (Cautionary/ warning signs are especially safe. Do's and don'ts for pedestrians,cyclists, bus passengers and motorists.)
  3. Informatory signs (Information signs as especially benefit to the passengers and two wheelers.)

2.      Industry (work or construction site) safety sign

  1. Prohibition signs (SHAPE: Circular, COLOUR: Red border and cross bar, Black symbol on white background, MEANING: Shows it must not be done.)
  2. Mandatory signs (SHAPE: Circular. COLOUR: White symbol on blue background, MEANING: Shows what must be done.)
  3. Warning signs (SHAPE: Triangular, COLOUR: Yellow background with black border and symbol, MEANING: Warns of hazard or danger.)
  4. Information signs (SHAPE: Square or oblong, COLOUR: White symbols on green background, MEANING: Indicates or gives information of safety provision.)


Road safety sign

Industry (work or construction site) safety sign


Information sign

Occupational health Hazard:

A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or health effects on something or someone.

Types of occupational health hazards

There are 8 types of occupational health hazards

1.      Physical Hazards (Physical hazard is an agent, factor or circumstance that can cause harm with contact.)

                                                              i.      Noise

                                                            ii.      Heat and cold stress

                                                          iii.      Vibration

                                                          iv.      Radiation (ionising & Non-ionising)

                                                            v.      Illumination etc.,

2.      Chemical Hazards (chemical hazard caused by exposure to chemicals in the workplace.)

                                                              i.      Inflammable

                                                            ii.      Explosive

                                                          iii.      Toxic

                                                          iv.      Corrosive

                                                            v.      Radioactive

3.      Biological Hazards (Biological hazard is a biological substance that poses a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily humans.)

                                                              i.      Bacteria

                                                            ii.      Virus

                                                          iii.      Fungi

                                                          iv.      Plant pest

                                                            v.      Infection.

4.      Physiological Hazards  (psychological hazard is any hazard that affects the physical health of the worker)

                                                              i.      Old age

                                                            ii.      Ill health

                                                          iii.      Sickness

                                                          iv.      Fatigue.

5.      Psychological Hazards (A psychological hazard is related to the way work is designed, organized and managed, as well as the economic and social contexts of work.)

                                                              i.      Wrong attitude

                                                            ii.      Smoking

                                                          iii.      Alcoholism

                                                          iv.      Unskilled

                                                            v.      Poor discipline

                                                          vi.      Accident proneness

                                                        vii.      Emotional disturbances

6.      Mechanical Hazards (injuries that can occur as a result of mechanical hazards)

                                                              i.      Unguarded machinery

                                                            ii.      No fencing

                                                          iii.      No safety device

                                                          iv.      No control device etc.,

7.      Electrical Hazards (where a worker comes in contact with energized electrical equipment or a conductor and gets shocks, burns etc.)

                                                              i.      No earthing

                                                            ii.      Short circuit

                                                          iii.      Current leakage

                                                          iv.      Open wire

                                                            v.      No fuse or cut off device etc,

8.      Ergonomic Hazards (where a worker or employee faces physical discomfort like back pain, neck pain etc due to work environment.)

                                                              i.      Poor manual handling technique

                                                            ii.      Wrong layout of machinery

                                                          iii.      Wrong design

                                                          iv.      Poor housekeeping

                                                            v.      Wrong tools


Module-1, Part-1: Introductionto ITI Electrician Trade

Module-1, Part-2: Organizationof ITI’s-safety Rules-Safety Sign-Hazards

Module-1, Part-3: Fire-Types-Extinguisher

Module-1, Part-4: RescueOperation-First aid Treatment-Artificial Respiration

Module-1, Part-5: Guidelines for cleanness & maintenance-Standardization-5’S

Module-1, Part-6: Disposalof waste Material- PPE


Safety, safety Sign, Fire & fire extinguisher, First aid, PPE, standardization, 5’S, Disposal of waste material etc.

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